How To Get Clients As A New Virtual Assistant

Are you just starting as a virtual assistant? Learn my best tips to help you land paying clients as a new VA, even with no prior experience.

So you finally did it–you took a leap of faith and decided you’re going to embark on this VA journey. Now it’s time to find those fabulous clients you’ve been dreaming about, and you’re wondering how you’re going to do that as a new virtual assistant.

First off, if you haven’t already, check out 5 Steps To Become A Virtual Assistant before you do anything else. In that post, I go over all the basics of what you need to do before you land your first client. This is an essential read when getting started!

If you’ve gone through those steps and are truly ready to start finding clients, then read on.

Pitching to clients and leveraging your experience

You might be a new VA, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re inexperienced. 

Here’s what I mean–starting out, you should offer services that utilize skills you already have and/or have used in other jobs. This is key to successfully finding clients as a new virtual assistant!

When I first started looking for clients, I didn’t even know virtual assistant was an official job title! I just had this idea in my mind that I wanted to be a remote assistant. I didn’t even have a portfolio. I did have experience though (and a resume) and that is what I really needed to attract clients.

So maybe you’ve never been a VA before, but whatever experience you do have, relate it back to your services and show clients how you can benefit them. 

If I were just starting out in my business, my cold pitch might sound something like this:

Hello ______, I’m Jo–an experienced content writer and social media specialist. I wanted to inquire if you’re looking to outsource any remote services for your business, ______?

A little about myself: I have been in the Communications field since my high school days. I have some experience in everything from radio, to blogging, to social media. I have worked within a corporate structure as well, providing customer service for a global media client.

I’m available to provide services as a remote assistant, be it from the administrative or creative end. I wanted to know if this is something that you would be interested in?

I attached my resume (and/or portfolio) where I showcase a little more about the work I’ve done.

I would love the opportunity chat about your business and see how I could support you with my services.

Thanks for your time and consideration,


Feel free to use this pitch as a template and make it your own! (You’re welcome!)

Create samples for your ideal client

If you don’t have a lot of work to put in your portfolio–no worries, you can make some up. Yes, you heard me right. You can create samples of the type of work you are offering to your ideal client. 

For example, if you want to offer graphic design services but you don’t have related experience on your resume, it doesn’t matter as long as you have the skill.

You can use a program like Photoshop or Canva to make samples and include that in your portfolio. If the client likes your work, that is much more important than you having the experience to show on your resume.

Don’t over-complicate this! A portfolio is simply a collection of work that you’ve done so clients can see what you’re capable of. It’s visual proof to back up what you say you can offer. Whether you are offering design services, content writing, etc, you can create samples tailored to your niche.

Just a note–if you’re creating writing samples, make sure you write about topics relevant to your client’s industry.

If you’re interested in making a portfolio, you can use a program like Canva, Microsoft Office, or Google Drive to easily create one.

Participate in Facebook Groups 

When I started learning about virtual assistance, I heard other VAs talk of using Facebook to find clients, but I didn’t really understand how it was done. Well, there are two ways to go about it and I’m going to spill the beans and share them with you!

One way you can use Facebook groups is to network with other VAs or freelancers. This is great because you can ask questions and learn from people who are more experienced than you.

The second way you can use Facebook groups is to connect with potential clients. You have to be careful though how you approach people because most groups prohibit self-promo (and let’s be honest–no one likes to feel like they’re being spammed). Try to approach people in a way that is natural and focus on building a relationship rather than just promoting yourself.

From my experience, one of the best ways to build relationships is to offer value. Once you join a Facebook group, it’s good to ask questions and also help answer other people’s questions too. If you have valuable expertise you can offer about a topic, do it! Give feedback, engage, and be a social butterfly. 

I suggest you choose a handful of active Facebook groups and engage in them on a daily basis if possible. This way people get used to seeing your name, and you can build quality relationships. 

At some point, you’re going to come across someone who is looking to outsource in your area of expertise. If you’re an active member within the Facebook group, it’s much more likely that you will get hired versus if you If no one in the group knows you!


One of the last methods of getting clients that I’m going to share–and also one of my favorites–is direct outreach. 

What you can do is research entrepreneurs and small businesses on the web that fit the mold of your ideal client, and contact them directly. This is when my pitching template from above will really come in handy!

I’ve had some positive experiences using this method–it’s how I scoured one of my best clients who I still work with today. There have also been instances where I got no response at all, but the clients I did get using this method made the effort well worth it!

I hope these tips help you find success in your VA journey!

If you’re looking for a deeper dive into getting VA clients, check out this free 60-minute training by VA veteran Abbey Ashley. Abbey started out as a virtual assistant in 2015, and after only 30 days she was fully sold out of her services.

Abbey’s entire story is insanely inspirational–so I highly recommend checking out her free VA-related content.

Do you have any other questions about getting clients as a new VA? Leave them down in the comments below!

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