Why Women Shouldn’t Force Relationships (Must Read)
One of the things which I have learned is that God designed women to be pursued.
I have seen situations where a woman feels compelled to chase after a relationship with a man she “loves” because the man is half-hearted in his pursuit of her. He will show some interest, but then seem wishy-washy about what he wants, leaving the woman in confusion. There may also be other things he prioritizes above her, causing plans to fall through time and time again.
If you can relate, I understand what you’re going through because it also happened to me.
But as it turned out, that relationship wasn’t in the will of God for my life and I was trying to force it.
I just want to encourage any sisters in Christ out there who are in a situation like that. The truth is, that if it is God’s will for you to be with a man—that man will show interest and pursue you! It will be clear and there will be no confusion regarding his feelings for you.
I’m not saying that a man’s interest in you means it’s God’s will for you to be together, but my point is that any relationship God has for you will not need to be forced.
In any case, you should always pray fervently and ask the Holy Spirit about any person you are interested in before making a serious commitment. It is critical to know if this person is who God really wants you to be with.
Also, if it is God’s will for you to be with someone but it isn’t working out, it could be that it’s just not God’s timing for the relationship yet.
It’s best to patiently wait on God’s timing concerning marriage and not try to force things. Entering a relationship outside of God’s will can cause much heartache and regret.