Abbey Ashley’s SavvySystem Review (In-Depth Breakdown)

An in-depth look at Abbey Ashley’s virtual assistant training. Is it legit or a scam? Is it worth the money? Find out inside this in-depth SavvySystem review!

Are you interested in making money from home as a virtual assistant?

In my blog post today, I’m going to be reviewing one of the most popular virtual assistant training programs on the market: Abbey Ashley’s SavvySystem (formerly known as the VA Bootcamp).

In my deep-dive review, I’m going to go over what a virtual assistant is, I’ll break down exactly what this course includes if it’s worth the money, and what to do if you can’t shell out the money for the course just yet. 

From Minimum Wage to $100/Hr

If you’re in the same place I was just a few years ago, you’re probably looking for a flexible online job that allows you to work from home with your kids and brings in a decent income. 

Virtual assistance is definitely one of the best ways to get started making money online as a stay-at-home mom.

Start-up costs are minimal, and you can use the skills and experience that you already have to begin making money right away!

If you’re new to the term “Virtual Assistant,” it’s simply a person who offers virtual services to other business owners.

Services can range from general administrative services like answering calls or data entry, to more specialized services like social media management or copywriting.

Starting out as a VA isn’t hard, but it can be a little overwhelming if you’re new.

There are tons of blog posts that can take you down a rabbit hole without really giving you the “meat” you need to succeed.

There are a plethora of resources that take you step-by-step but those cost money, and it can be a little scary handing over your hard-earned cash when you’re budget is so tight.

I was in similar shoes in 2018 when I first became pregnant.

I had experience in marketing, however, it had been years since I delved into anything career-related.

That left me googling “online jobs” and spending hours on ZipRecruiter trying to apply to anything I could.

My first online job was working as a customer service agent making just around minimum wage.

I worked anywhere from 20-30 hours per week and was exhausted by the end of each day!

Not only was I pregnant and working, but trying to keep up with my house tasks and still have a life was so tiring. 

From there, I found a job on UpWork making $17 per hour as a Virtual Assistant.

Because of the fees that UpWork takes, I really made less than that on top of the taxes I had to pay.

It was much better than my previous job, however, I didn’t know how to truly profit from the valuable skills I had. 

I didn’t know how to organize myself properly, so although the quality of the work itself was very good, I was heavily lacking in HOW to work. I ended up losing that client.

Shortly after, I got another job as a “social seller” making $20 per hour ($15 less than my initial offer).

With my next client, I was able to increase my rates to $35, but I ran into a little problem.

Because I was trading time for money, I was reaching a max.

I was struggling to take on more work because my time was so limited.

But then, I had an epiphany.

I realized that what I needed was to niche down to a specialized, high-end service. Doing so would allow me to charge much more while actually working less.

And it worked.

I started taking on freelance writing projects for $50-$100 per hour.

It had taken me YEARS to get to that point, and I really wish I had started off knowing what I know now.

This is one of the reasons that taking an online course can help when you’re a beginner.

You get a fast download of insight and wisdom that took someone else YEARS and lots of money to learn.

(You also get to see results much more quickly!)

That is certainly the case in Abbey’s training, SavvySystem.

Who Is Abbey Ashley?

Abbey Ashley started her virtual assistant business in 2015 and after 30 days of calling herself a Virtual Assistant, she was able to completely sell out her services.

Since launching, she has trained thousands of other students on how to start a profitable Virtual Assistant business using the same method that helped her succeed.

Like SavvySystem student Lynette:

“Leaving my career after 15 years to start my own business as a Virtual Assistant was huge for me. 

I am approaching the one-year anniversary of when I decided to start this journey and I can absolutely 100% assure you that I wouldn’t be where I am without this program and the amazing people I’ve met.  Since starting the Savvy System, I’ve been fully booked, I’ve expanded my services, AND now, thanks to all of the education and knowledge sharing, I’m embarking on the next step of my entrepreneurial journey and entering a Director of Operations Program. 

I could go on and on about Abbey, her amazing team and the incredible community she’s built, but I’ll sum it up here and just say this… Joining this program was THE BEST first decision I made hands down!  There’s no way for you to truly know up front all the value that comes along with your financial and mental investment in this program.  Literally, it was THE BEST first decision I made… I hope you make the same choice and if I can help in any way… I am always available.  Love you guys!” 

One important thing to keep in mind, however, is that the SavvySystem will work as long as YOU’RE working. Those who have seen results from this program have applied what they learned and put in a lot of hard work! This is not a passive business, so once you go through the course you will need to take action in order to see results. 

What Is The SavvySystem?

The SavvySystem is a step-by-step training program that teaches you how to start your own virtual assistant business from scratch.

It contains three phases: Launch, Scale, and Grow.

Once you launch your business from scratch, Abbey teaches you how to grow and scale by booking clients and hiring a team so that you can take on more clients.

The program contains 14 modules and the training is in an easy-to-follow, self-paced video format. 

What Does The SavvySystem Include?

Here is what’s included when you join the SavvySystem:

  • Lifetime access to the training (including future updates) 
  • Lifetime Access to the Mastermind Community
  • Monthly Live Calls within the Group
  • Monthly Group Accountability Calls with Members of The Savvy System
  • Exclusive Job Opportunities not found anywhere else
  • LinkedIn Training with Brandi Watts
  • Savvy Your Site website trainings for WordPress and Elementor
  • The VA Template Vault: All of the scripts and templates you need to pitch and work with clients

One of the big advantages of being a SavvySystem member is that you will have accountability.

The Virtual Savvy team is very responsive within the private student community, and is answering questions daily as well as providing support.

Virtual Assistant Network

Students love the fact that they’re not going on this journey alone and have support to hold them accountable and give direction when they need it.

If you get stuck at any point in your training, you can pop into the community or email the team directly with your question. 

Does The SavvySystem Work?

Being that the SavvySystem has been around for years, there are plenty of students who have testified to its success. I went to The Virtual Savvy website and clicked on “Success Stories” to find some awesome testimonials.

Like Sadie, who shares her story below:

“I took Abbey’s program in August of 2018. I quit my full time job in November of 2018 and now I run a Virtual Assistant Agency that supports female entrepreneurs, creatives, and coaches. I have a team of 5 women and am about to hire 3 more team members in August. I got to take a 3 month maternity leave and my business still ran seamlessly and I paid myself consecutively a large salary all while spending precious time with my baby and learning how to be a momma. Abbey’s course does work and I am so thankful I found her!”

Then there is Kayleigh, who now runs a successful OBM Agency:

“I can’t believe it, y’all! One year. One year ago I quite literally stumbled upon Abbey Ashley and found out about virtual assistant businesses. Now a year later and I run a VA and OBM agency. Like WHAT. I seriously always tell my family I had no clue this is the path I was going down, but HERE WE ARE, SIS! Someone pinch me! Literally living my dream life. Just thought I would post in the group that has helped me in so many ways. Thanks, Virtual Savvy!”

How Much Does The SavvySystem Cost?

The cost of the basic SavvySystem when you pay in full is $1,497 for the basic option, or you can choose the monthly payment plan of $147/ month for 12 months. 

If you choose to buy the Ultimate Plan it costs $2,997 or $297 with the monthly payment option over the course of 12 months.

The ultimate plan includes LIFETIME access to their SavvyVault library–an archive of over 60 advanced courses which will help you develop your VA skills and learn new ones.

(Learn more about the SavvyVault here.)

The SavvyVault is typically offered as a monthly membership, so this is a limited-time chance to gain LIFETIME access!

Both programs actually work really well together!

The monthly payment option does make the SavvySystem very affordable, however, keep in mind that it does drive the cost of the training up a bit.

(Similar to when you buy a house or car and pay additional interest when you break up your payments.) 

While it seems like a lot of money, you can make well over the price of the course using the tools and resources in the course–and that is very important to note.

A large portion of students taking the SavvySystem are consistently making $1,000-$2,000 per month, which is very promising.

Considering that the initial investment is $1,497, that is a return of up to 16X the investment in just ONE year.

Other students are making $5,000 or over–some even seeing six figures per year!

While the norm does appear to be anywhere from $1K-$5K months, it’s important to know that there IS potential for higher earnings if you’re willing to invest in scaling your business with sub-contractors (other freelancers working under you).

If you just want to be a one-woman show, offering services and nothing else–you can still make a nice income to supplement your household. 

Pros and Cons of Abbey Ashley’s SavvySystem Training

There are many benefits to Abbey Ashley’s VA training program.

One of them is the fact that you will get access to high-quality job leads that you cannot find on a job board or in the free Facebook group.

Being that these leads are private, there are fewer people applying for these positions. 

Another huge perk is the supportive community.

You don’t have to play guessing games and wonder, “am I doing this right?” The Savvy team and other students are readily available to help answer questions and give feedback. 

This is really huge if you’re new to the world of Virtual Assistance because it’s not enough to just “know” information. You need to be able to apply it correctly to your business.

Some students have seen quick success, even getting their first client after only 1-2 weeks in the program. 

Some other pros:

  • There is a 30-day money-back guarantee so you really can’t lose by trying this out
  • The principles Abbey teaches are proven because they have been working for countless others
  • There is an affiliate program, providing another means of making back your investment more quickly. You can make 30% on each referral.
  • It is a self-paced course, so you can go through the training at a pace that’s comfortable for you.
  • You have lifetime access–which means you get to enjoy the benefits of future updates or additions at no extra cost. 

Now…the cons.

  • $1,497 is a large investment (especially for someone who has never purchased an online course before). This is definitely where the 30-day guarantee provides some cushion in case you’re just not sure.
  • You will need to set aside time each week to go through the training and put it into practice–so if you don’t have at least 4-5 hours a week to spare, this might not work.

Who Should Join The SavvySystem?

Abbey Ashley’s SavvySystem is a training for anyone who wants to build a profitable service-based business working from home. 

The SavvySystem is a fantastic program for moms who want to stay at home with their kids while having a sustainable career.

Many students in the programs are work-from-home moms, so you’ll have a lot of support within the community. 

(NOTE: Men are welcome to join. The SavvySystem is NOT only for women.)

Maybe you’re not a mom, but you just want to build a career you love that can replace your 9-5.

This training will help you do that. 

This program is also for action-takers!

There are some people who did not see success in this program because it was a low priority or they just decided to put it on the back burner. You won’t see results that way!

Abbey Ashley wants people to succeed, so if you decide to join this program please come ready to implement what you learn. 

Are There Other Expenses?

Joining the SavvySystem will give you access to all of the tools you need to get started right away.

You won’t need to invest anything further to start getting clients.

Long-term, however, there are some additional investments you’ll want to plan for as you build your business.

You can begin investing in these tools once you’re bringing in revenue. Some of these investments may include:

  • Domain name and web hosting
  • Domain email
  • Canva Pro
  • App Subscriptions to organize and manage clients
  • Stock photo subscription
  • Sub-contractors


The value of the SavvySystem raining is well worth the price tag.

(I wouldn’t recommend it otherwise.)

The SavvySystem is truly a “business in a box.”

You’ll get all the tools, training, templates, contracts, and support you need to start a successful home-based business!

Knowing what I know now, I wish I had a program like this when I first started out.

I spent years making way less than what my skill set deserved, all because I lacked the knowledge of how to capitalize on my skills and what steps I needed to take. 

Abbey is a great teacher and is full of knowledge when it comes to Virtual Assistance and succeeding in the online space. 

For the price of $1,497 you are getting a step-by-step blueprint that took me YEARS to figure out, so you will be able to earn more money quickly for your services. You will know exactly what to do and in what order. You’ll be given ALL the tools you need to succeed. 

Want to try it out? Click here to join risk-free for 30 days. 

Can’t Afford It? Try This Instead…

The truth is, with just 1-2 clients you can cover the full price of this course.

Not only will the course pay for itself, but you will get a return on your investment. 

When I first started my journey as a freelancer after taking a long hiatus, $1,497 was a HUGE amount for me.

I had a very small budget to work within, so it would not have been possible to invest that amount.

Knowing what I know now though, there are ways around it!

Option #1 – Use Abbey’s checklist to get your first client and cover the course.
Other students have used Abbey’s free Virtual Assistant checklist to get started and joined the program later after securing their first client. You can access Abbey’s free checklist here.

(Make sure you bookmark this blog post so you can get access to my free bonuses by purchasing with my link).

Option #2 – Take advantage of Abbey’s 30-day guarantee (she does have job leads IN the community).
If you’re on the fence, I say TRY IT. Within the community, you will have access to job leads. If you near the end of the 30 days decide this isn’t for you, you can always cancel for a full refund. The risk of losing out on an opportunity like this is way bigger than the risk of trying out the program.

the best virtual assistant training

Option #3 – Take advantage of the monthly payment option–and pay it off early once you get clients.
Abbey Ashley offers a month-to-month payment option of $147 for 12 months. You can choose this option and then pay it off EARLY once you secure enough clients. 

A Breakdown Of Each Module In The SavvySystem

Module 1 – Welcome To The SavvySystem

This module sets the pace for the course and shows you what to expect in the training. You’ll get access to some resources and tips for making the most of the course.

Module 2 – Discover Your Skillset

Abbey walks you through deciding on what services to offer. She’ll give you 10 services that you can get started with right away, and help you figure out what specialized skills you might want to offer.

Module 3 – Pricing And Packages

This is the fun part! You get to set your rates and create packages for the services you’ll offer. Abbey will also show you how to start getting clients right away (yes–before even having a website or logo!).

Module 4 – Brand Academy

You’ll get a step-by-step walkthrough of how to build a brand for your new VA business. Even if you don’t have one design-savvy bone in your body…Abbey makes this as painless as possible by giving you tutorials on easy tools like Canva (a cloud-based design app for non-designers). This module can be really fun because you get to be creative and dream up how you want your business to be presented. Abbey covers everything from logo creation to choosing colors for your brand.

Module 5 – Processes And Assets

In this module you will set up processes in your business for onboarding your clients, getting your EIN number, and you will also learn about how to create a stunning proposal and portfolio to win over clients.

Module 6 – Payments, Invoicing, And Taxes (OH MY!) 

This module is all about how to get paid, dealing with clients who don’t pay on time, and what you need to know about taxes.

Module 7 – Legalities

Can I be honest? This module alone might be worth the price of the course (or at least a good portion of it). When you’re starting out as a Virtual Assistant there are so many questions surrounding how to operate legally. Abbey will give you some great training on this, and she will even show you what to do if you live outside of the United States.

Module 8 – Marketing 101

If you’ve made it to module 8, you’ve officially entered the “GROW” phase of the program! This module is all about nailing those clients like a pro. You’ll learn how to organize your leads, overcome client objects, and ace your discovery calls. Abbey also teaches something called “value first marketing” which is something I believe will really make a VA stand out from other candidates.

Module 9 – The Ultimate Marketing Plan

This module is all about growing your business with clients. You will explore the personal outreach template which will help you reach out to potential clients about your services. You will learn the secret to landing clients using Facebook and other treasure troves on where to find paying clients. (These tactics really WORK because I’ve used them myself. Just to put things in perspective, I have personally used Facebook to make connections which led to $3,000 writing projects.)

Module 10 – Web Development 101

You don’t have to be tech-savvy to build a beautiful website yourself. This module will teach you what you need to know about creating a website that converts casual browsers into paying clients.

Module 11 – The Virtual Assistant Lifestyle

In this module you’ll learn what you need to know about living the VA lifestyle. You’ll learn about how to deal with difficult clients, how to get testimonials that will help you to nail MORE work, how to plan for vacation and extended leave, and MORE.

Module 12 – Raising Your Prices

This is the first module of the “SCALE” phase of the program–where you will learn how to earn more from your business while working less by SCALING. In this module, you’ll learn how to raise your prices and overcome objections from your clients.

Module 13 – Building A Team

This module will give you the training you need to scale your business by hiring subcontractors. If you’ve ever wondered how to go about hiring someone who won’t disappoint, you will learn it here.

Module 14 – What’s Next?

This is the last module in the training where Abbey wraps up what you need to know about expanding your business further. You’ll learn about a few different options you have to grow your business further.

Still have questions? Shoot me a direct email and we can hash out together if this program is right for you.

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