When We Ignore God

There have been many instances where I felt God’s conviction to change in an area of my life, but instead of changing my ways I made excuses and disobeyed Christ. “I tried but I can’t help myself,” or “I prayed so much but I’m still struggling,” were my common excuses. I didn’t usually see consequences right away, but the time always came when I surely paid the price.

Has Christ been convicting you about a weakness or sin in your life? You can choose to ignore it now, but there will be a consequence to face later. I learned the hard way that just because God seems quiet does not mean He isn’t paying attention anymore! He did not change His mind about what He told you!

If you have tried and failed to change in an a certain area of your life, continue bringing your weakness/sin to Christ by praying and fasting until you see change.

Proverbs 19:20 NIV
“Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.”

Written by Jolie Sanchez

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