The Truth About Horoscopes, Fortune-telling & The Occult

In Acts 16:16-18 Paul and Silas encountered a slave girl with a fortune-telling spirit. One of the things to note about this scripture is that the things she spoke were true, but she was receiving the information from a demon.

Often people turn to horoscopes, psychics, tarot cards, witchcraft or etc. and don’t realize that the “guidance” they’re receiving is coming from demons. That’s why the Bible tells us not to do those things. Instead, we should turn to Jesus Christ! He is the One who has all the guidance and power we need for our lives.

Are you looking for direction about your future? Pray to Jesus for it. Do you need guidance about a difficult situation you’re in? See what the Bible says about it.

If you have ever consulted a psycic, followed horoscopes, had your palm read, played with ouija boards, or took part in any kind of spiritual activity outside of the Christian faith, you need to repent and break the spiritual ties you created with those demonic spirits. These spiritual ties are called covenants, and can be broken by praying the prayer shared below.

If you have not yet accepted Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life then you can’t yet break those covenants you made, because it is only Jesus who gives a person the power to break free from them. If you would like give your life to Jesus Christ please click here.

To break the covenants, pray this prayer out loud:

Any covenants that were made over me and any covenants that I made over myself, either with or without my consent, I break and deny them in Jesus’ Name. I belong to a new covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Any covenants that were spoken over me and any covenants that I spoke over myself, I break and deny them in Jesus’ Name. I belong to a new covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ.

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