How I Got Saved
Before getting saved, I worked for different entertainers in the secular music industry. It had been my dream to do so, and I had believed that by becoming successful in that field I would also have a platform to share about Jesus Christ with others.
As I started growing in that career, the Lord showed me in His timing the work I was doing in music was not glorifying to Him. Rather than leading others to salvation, I was constantly in situations where I compromised my faith.
As I spent more time working and making some progress, I encountered various demonic attacks. At this point, I had not been born-again, but I was seeking after Jesus and learning about how to get closer to Him. God had not yet revealed to me that my line of work was not His will for me.
My first attack was in my sleep, where I saw and felt a force was trying to suck me in. It was black and had some form, however, did not look like a person. In my dream I could feel it coming for me, and then I saw a lion roar at the force and the force vanished and I woke up.
Sometime later, after returning home from my business travels I started feeling sick. At first, it started like a bad stomach ache where I needed to go home, but later it became worse to where I couldn’t even stand up for more than a few minutes. A sister in Christ tried praying for me, and when she did she said she could sense in the Spirit something like a veil or covering of evil all around me. Whichever demonic forces were attacking me also tried to come upon her when she prayed. Thankfully, a woman of God who was older in the faith interceded in prayer and within some days Jesus healed me.
The difference between those demonic manifestations I had and demonic attacks which are expected to fight Christians, is that mine were coming because of a door I opened. I was giving those demons an entryway into my life by going into their territory and becoming a part of it.
When I became serious about having a relationship with Christ, The Lord led me to leave my work in the music industry and there were people who did not understand or agree with my decision. For example, some people in my church believed that I should stay and did not see anything wrong with my job. The truth is, that by remaining in that field of work I was unknowingly creating spiritual ties (which are called covenants) with the demonic powers that operate in the music industry.
One of the Bible verses which convicted me in that season of my life was 1 Corinthians 10:21 which says: You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons.
Another scripture that greatly spoke to me was Mark 8:36 which says: What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?
If I truly wanted to follow Christ and live the life He planned for me, I had to leave my career behind out of my love and devotion for Him. Leaving my job was not comfortable for me, but after doing so God rewarded me with a very fulfilling relationship with Him and He did lots of other good things for me over time. If I chose to stay, God would not have been able to do some of the good things He has done in my life because I would have not been fully committed to Him. I would have still had ties to the realm of darkness. Also, with the demonic attacks I was getting I could have died if it wasn’t for Jesus’ power intervening.
I just want to share that at times things we want in this life are not at all what they appear to be, and we should instead follow God’s plan for our lives and do the things which make Him happy. That is what will bring real joy and peace to our lives.
Most importantly, we will have the eternal reward of salvation.
1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
If you would like to have a relationship with Jesus Christ or if you have backslid and would like to make things right with God, you can start by praying this out loud:
Lord Jesus,
I believe you died and rose.
I confess with my mouth without anyone forcing me, that I am saved.
Remove my name from the book of death, write my name in the book of life.
Wonderful testimony, God bless you.