How Living By God’s Word Changed My Life
The truth is, that I identified as a Christian for many years before I actually started living my life by The Bible. Before that, I didn’t really experience God’s presence and power in my life the way believers in The Bible did. Then in 2014, I met a young woman who began sharing with me testimonies from her life and lives of people she knew. The testimonies she shared were similar to the manifestations of God in the Bible. I was in awe and very excited hearing them. When she shared them and spoke about God, it was as if she knew Jesus on an intimate level. I had never heard anyone speak of Him that way before and I wanted that intimacy with God for myself. As I continued spending time with her, she would share about righteousness (which is simply walking in Gods’s ways). I had never really been exposed to such teachings, but as I would hear them The Holy Spirit was working in my heart and drawing me into a deeper walk with Christ.
Step by step, The Spirit of God convicted me of things in my life I needed to change and as I did, I started experiencing Christ’s presence and power in my life like never before! One of the main areas of my life which God changed, was the ways I had that were worldly. For example, I used to work in the entertainment industry and take part in activities that involved partying, drinking, and promoting ungodly music. The things that I was doing didn’t please God.
In addition to those changes, I also started developing a devotional life by praying and fasting regularly. It was actually after a period of prayer and fasting that The Lord showed me I needed to leave my job in the music industry. This is because the job that I had was contradicting to the way Jesus teaches us to live. Leaving that industry was a turning point in my journey with Christ because afterwards I started experiencing more of the supernatural.
As I’m sharing my personal testimony, I just want to encourage anyone who desires to have a more intimate relationship with Jesus, and truly see His power working in their lives. You can do that by developing a stronger prayer life and living a lifestyle centered on the teachings of The Bible. Jesus loves everyone, however sin weakens God’s power in our lives and that is why out of His love for us He tells us to turn away from sin.
I have personally seen the fruit of living by God’s Word and am certain if you apply it to your life, you will see change and experience Christ’s power in your life.
Luke 11:28 NIV – He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
If you would like to make Jesus Christ The Lord and Savior of your life, you can start by saying the following prayer out loud:
Lord Jesus,
I believe you died and rose.
I confess with my mouth without anyone forcing me, that I am saved.
Remove my name from the book of death, write my name in the book of life.
If you have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life, it’s very important to maintain your relationship with Him. You can do this by praying to Him daily, fasting, and reading and obeying the Bible.