God Is Our Parent
One day I was carrying my son and in my hand was a toy that had fallen on the floor.
He went to grab it, but I told him: No you can’t touch that, it’s not clean.
This example made me think about how if we are born-again, Jesus is our parent and He cannot allow us to touch what is considered unclean by His Holy Word.
Many people think that Christ restricts people from having fun, but that’s not it! He simply wants what is best for us and knows what can destroy our lives. That’s why He gives us His teachings to live by in the Bible.
Have you been allowing things in your life that are considered unclean in the Word of God?
For example, a lot of the entertainment of our day is highly sexual and promotes fornication. A born-again Christian shouldn’t tolerate such things because it will lead them to sin in their mind.
Or, some Christians involve themselves in occult practices like horoscopes, tarot cards, or meditation thinking that it’s “just for fun,” or relaxation, however, it is connecting them with demons.
Whichever things you have allowed in your life that go against God’s Word, I encourage you to get rid of them and ask for forgiveness.
Ask Jesus to help you live in a way that pleases Him. God is faithful to help us when we do our part!
2 Corinthians 6:17 NIV
Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”