Deliverance From The Occult – How To Surrender To Jesus & Be Free (Video)

Do you need deliverance from the occult?

In this video we share an example from Genesis 31 and talk about how we must be all in with God.

Many people try to mix various beliefs and practices with Christianity, but they have not fully surrendered to Christ.

If you’ve ever been involved in occult practices but feel a tug on your heart to turn to Jesus, this video is for you.


Lord Jesus,

I believe you died and rose.
I confess with my mouth without anyone forcing me, that I am saved.
Remove my name from the book of death, write my name in the book of life.


Any demonic covenants that were made over me and any demonic covenants that I made over myself, either with or without my consent, I break and deny them in Jesus’ Name. I belong to a new covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Any demonic covenants that were spoken over me and any demonic covenants that I spoke over myself, I break and deny them in Jesus’ Name. I belong to a new covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ.

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