Finding “The One”

Before getting saved, I set my heart on someone who didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. After becoming born-again, I continued trying to make things work out, believing that God would save that person and we would have a good relationship. There came a time however, where I felt strongly that I didn’t want God to let me be with someone just because it’s what I wanted. Instead, I wanted to be with a man whom God Himself chose for me to be with, even if it meant being with a different person. So I prayed to Jesus and told Him that I let that person go, and I asked Him to chose a husband for me.

A couple of years later, God confirmed to me that the guy I had liked was not the man I was meant to be with. In spite of the prayer I said years ago, I was really upset about this. It took some time, but God helped me to get over the situation. A couple of months later, my friend told me that she had a dream about me dating one of our friends who we often fellowshipped with. Not only did she have one dream, but she had another one previously which she had dismissed. To my surprise, our friend had actually liked me for sometime. So I prayed, and received confirmations from The Lord that he was in fact my husband, and we got married a year later.

By God leading me to my true husband, He was saving me from a disaster! If God allowed me to be with the person I liked before, I would have been very miserable in my marriage. I wasn’t able to see that however because I had my heart set on being with that other person. For this reason I like to share my testimony with others to encourage them to seek Jesus’ will for their lives. It will save people from lots of troubles and regret in their future!

You see on some occasions God may allow you to be with someone you desire, but it might not be his best for your life. When God chooses a spouse for us though, it is always the best choice! He sees how the couples futures are going to be and how compatible they truly are, whereas our judgement is limited to what we can see with our natural eye. This is why I would encourage everyone to seek The Lord about any potential spouse they have interest in. If you want to be married but are currently single, you can starting praying ahead of time like I did for God to choose a husband or wife that He thinks will be best for you.

Proverbs 3:6
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

God bless you

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