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My Story: “I was jobless & homeless in NYC”
I learned my hardest financial lessons on the streets of New York City. I had just become a born-again Christian and left my career in the entertainment industry. I had no job and was essentially homeless in one of the most expensive cities in the world. During that season of staying with friends, hopping from…

There’s Purpose in the Waiting (Interview with Christy Wright)
Waiting can be tough, but God wants us to remember that His timing is perfect and our waiting is never in vain. In the podcast episode below, I interview #1 National Bestselling Author, Speaker, and Business Coach Christy Wright about her personal experiences of waiting on God and how it ultimately led to something better….

How To Take A Break From Social Media
The other month I took a virtual break for several weeks. What that meant for me was deleting social media apps and withdrawing from any non-essential communication on my phone. One of the factors that led to this break was that I started to feel cluttered in my spirit, and I felt I was in…

What Scripture Says About Money
Don’t be fooled by the bad money advice on the interent! Instead, let’s dive in to what the Bible ACTUALLY says about it. Links Mentioned: 💵My favorite budgeting App: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/ramse… ▶️ 4 Tips To Pay Off Debt Faster: https://jolieharris.org/debt-free-tips/

When You Need Clarity: Practical Tips for Hearing From God
Hearing from God is a journey. But what do we do when we’re waiting for clarity and don’t know what the next step is? In the podcast episode below, I share 3 practical things you can do as you wait for clarity from Jesus. Waiting Isn’t Easy God wants to lead us. Psalm 32:8 says:…

How To Have Bold Faith In A Secular World
The Bible promises that those who live for God will experience some challenges in this world, but scripture also gives us assurance that God will be by our side. In this candid interview, non-profit founder, mental health counselor, and woman of God, Joedale Harris shares her testimony of finding God’s calling for her life and…

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