Don’t Follow The Crowd, Follow Jesus

I have been told that it will be impossible for me to get a husband because I’m abstinent and saving sex for marriage. Apparently this is the 21st century lol! Of course those are lies! I know who Jesus is, He is very dear to me. I have seen Him prove Himself faithful over and over again. I have never seen Jesus fail me. I know in His perfect timing, He will bring my future hubby. Follower of Christ, don’t follow what everyone else is doing in this generation, follow Jesus. Jesus has a beautiful plan for your life, trust Him! Understand that Jesus hasn’t called you to be part of this world, but He has set you apart. So don’t ever feel weird or apologize for having godly standards. Hold your head high and walk boldly in whom Christ has called you to be! ‪#‎UnashamedOfTheGospel‬

John 15:19
If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.


Written by Joan Ssajjabbi

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