Are you glorifying Jesus with your dream?

One of the passions Jesus gave me is mass communications. Before fully following Christ, I used that gift to promote secular music. I had the idea that Jesus would give me success in the music industry so that other people could get to know about Him. However, when my career advanced, it did not bear fruit for Christ at all. Instead I compromised in my relationship with Jesus because I was influenced by the music and lifestyle of the industry. I remember moments where I was manipulated to lie or took part in ungodly conversations. I also started using marijuana because of the people I worked with closely.

Whatever your gift or passion is, are you using it in a way which glorifies Christ? For example if you practice law, do you lie on behalf of clients to get more money? If you practice medicine, do you engage in gossip with coworkers and take part in ungodly jokes? Or are you sharing about Christ at your job, and being an example of God’s love?

Jesus gave you talents for the purpose of bringing Him glory. We are not all called to work in a church building, but we ARE ALL called to glorify God in everything we do by living out the Bible and sharing the love of Christ.

I Corinthians‬ ‭10:31‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

Written by Jolie Sanchez

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